Phil Hassey - game dev blog
Phil Hassey as Rambo
".. I've been there,
I know what it's like,
and I'll do it again if I have to."

The Canadian Invasion .. and MORE!

  1. The only bit I remember from that conversation is all the stuff about Canadian global domination.  Let me tell you, if Mike Fletcher has his way, we’re doomed!  (Maybe we’re doomed either way, but be sure your passport is ready when we have to head north!)
  2. I remember peaking into the pycon-dev room at one point and Doug was giving a lecture on menu structures in websites.  He said the pycon navigation was stored completely independently of all the modules used by pycon.  I think that’s great.  I’ve been thinking about it ever since.
  3. I do most all my dev at home on my linux system.  My laptop last year was loaded with XP and I found it painful to do work on at pycon.  So this year, the day before pycon, I loaded it up with Ubuntu.  Which was a mistake.  It *sort* of worked, in a kind of the network didn’t exactly always work and the video driver didn’t always work .. and then it got worse .. but I won’t name names 😉
  4. Which brings me to two happier points, which are points 5 and 6 in this list.
  5. Sean was quite swell and set me up a personal hard-line during the sprints when I needed to get some work done :)  Yay!
  6. I was told about PyPE, which is a nifty python editor for windows :)  I’m having to do some win32 dev lately (see previous post), so having that on hand is great!  I like it.  I was able to do about 5 hours of dev on it this evening, and I think the main complaint I had was I was using a laptop keyboard.  If you like kate, this is the editor for you.

One Response to “The Canadian Invasion .. and MORE!”

  1. Jack Diederich Says:

    I put together a list of python core developers (based on the subversion commiters list) and a guess-the-nationality page for German, American, or Other. The list is just germanic sounding names but a surprising number were Canadian. The list doesn’t even include known Canadians with bland names like Brett Cannon.

    Maybe Canada’s third outsized export market is engineers (third after comedians and beer, natch)