iGalcon + enet = Multi-Player fun fun fun
Thursday, July 31st, 2008So .. not being in python-land I really didn’t feel like reinventing the networking-wheel this time. So I grabbed enet for this project and it rocks. I had no notable trouble (beyond normal laziness when it comes to reading documentation) getting it up and running. And after I got it going nicely in my linux environment, it worked out-of-the-box for compiling to the iphone 🙂 Thanks to lack of endian issues, I didn’t have any trouble there either! Here’s the screenie:
On my TODO list is:
- Add Settings (Sound effects on/off, favorite colors for MP game, user / password login for MP game)
- Add Server List (must figure out how to do HTTP requests from C with minimal strain)
- A bit more testing and some odds-n-ends
I hope to have it all done soonish!
On a development-side note, I implemented some automated testing of the network code. This saves me from having to run over a dozen use-cases any time I mess with the client-server code. So it’s saved me a bit of time, and given me that great “feels like it will work” feeling.