Phil Hassey - game dev blog
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"Look, stores don't sell
costumes like this to just anyone."

iPhone App Distribution: Code Signing Identity

Here’s a tip to any people trying to launch an app to the store:  while setting up your Distribution profile at some point it says to put in “iPhone Distribution: My Company” in the “Code Signing Identity > Any iPhone OS Device” line.  It -seems- as though you’re going to get a list of items and you can select one.  But actually you have to double click on the line and then TYPE in the identity.  And then you’ll probably have to quit X-Code and start it again for things to get worked out.

Anyway, I spent an hour figuring that little oddity, so I figured I’d share the tip.

6 Responses to “iPhone App Distribution: Code Signing Identity”

  1. PoV Says:

    Thanks chief. 🙂

  2. a random John Says:

    Does this mean that iGalcon is nearly here?

  3. philhassey Says:

    breath holding may commence .. it’s currently “in review” by apple before it hits the store 🙂

  4. a random John Says:

    cool beans

  5. Jt Hollister Says:

    I’m glad I didn’t even hear about this until it was already out. The suspense would most likely have killed me.

  6. ben Says:

    Thanks for the tip !!! Very handy 🙂