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Healthcare job opening for a pythonic PHP coder …

Hey – my healthcare business is hiring! Yay!

We’re looking for someone who lives in western New York, is a pythonic PHP coder, and enjoys consulting and software maintenance.

Here’s the full listing at monster and at craigslist.


2 Responses to “Healthcare job opening for a pythonic PHP coder …”

  1. New York City Job Openings» Blog Archive » - “New York” “Job Opening” Says:

    […] Healthcare job opening for a pythonic PHP coder ? By philhassey We?re looking for someone who lives in western New York, is a pythonic PHP coder, and enjoys consulting and software maintenance. Here?s the full listing at monster and at craigslist. Cheers! … Phil Hassey – […]

  2. Jeff McNeil Says:

    Wish I could.. that’s my home town. I’ve been trying to find the “right” IT job up there for years. I would simply love to move back!