Phil Hassey - game dev blog
Phil Hassey as Rambo
".. I've been there,
I know what it's like,
and I'll do it again if I have to."

Archive for October, 2008

Is this a game yet?

Saturday, October 25th, 2008

I’m not sure, but I’m having fun all the same 🙂

Still in the python phase.  Still working out what the game modes will be.  I’m going to try to build it similar to Galcon – with 5 single player modes.

Prototyping in python

Friday, October 24th, 2008

So it’s about time to make something new here:

Instead of jumping right into the iPhone code on this one, I decided to prototype the game in python+pygame first. I’ve gotten a lot of UI glitches worked out, and I’m going to get at least one complete single player game working nicely in python before I port it over to C.

Galcon was “easy” to port to C because I had a very clear definition of what I was going to create before I created it.  Since this is a new game, I think if I define the game pretty well in python first it will save me loads of time tweaking stuff in C.

The Galcon Prize: Results!

Monday, October 6th, 2008


The Galcon Prize contest is finally over!  Congrats to mewo for his great entry!  You can get the results package here.  This includes all entries and all datasets and all results.  It also includes some explanation on how I judged the entries, as well as the script I used to aggregate the results from the various dataset runs I did.

Now that the compo is over I’d love it if everyone who competed wrote up some postmortems about their entries, what strategies they used, and how they came up with the solutions they did.  Please post those in the forums.

Thanks again!  I’m going to try and get this added to the Galcon-iPhone rankings system ASAP 🙂


The Galcon Prize — almost over!

Saturday, October 4th, 2008

If you haven’t put an entry together for the contest, you’ve got just a couple days left 🙂 I’ll be doing the final judging Monday morning when I awake.


tinypy at pycon …

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008


So .. I’m thinking about proposing a talk about tinypy at pycon.  Not quite sure what I’d want to say about it.  So, here’s my “ask the web” question:

What do you want to hear me talk about tinypy?

I could talk about anything from how I made it, why I made it, what good it is, how to use it, to .. err .. I dunno.  Whatever 🙂

If no good talk ideas come together, I’ll probably do a lightning about it again, and maybe an open session.

I also want to do a Galcon tournament of sorts again at some point 🙂  That was great fun last year!
