Here’s my “tip of the day” for running OpenGL Apps on a Linux / Ubuntu guest in VMWare Fusion. The problem is that while running VMWare Fusion on OSX, your guest Ubuntu system doesn’t have 3D acceleration. Bummer! I really like doing my game-dev under linux .. so after a bit of searching I found this neat trick:
1. Open a Terminal in OSX (host OS)
2. ssh -Y ip.address.of.guest.OS
(You can find out the IP address of your guest OS via ifconfig.)
3. run the game you are working on
4. OSX pops up a window with your game running at full speed!
Via that SSH session I can run my games under linux, but the OpenGL stuff is forwarded to my OSX host, which renders it at full speed. This is called X11 forwarding, which I had heard of before, but I didn’t know it included OpenGL 🙂
I’d love it if Fusion included 3D acceleration of linux-based Guest OSs, but in the meantime, this will get me by. One thing to note, this isn’t perfect. I tried running tux racer, and although it seemed to run at full speed, the view wasn’t centered and so I only saw the top left 25% of the game.