Phil Hassey - game dev blog
Phil Hassey as Rambo
".. I've been there,
I know what it's like,
and I'll do it again if I have to."

Dynamite: Day 6 – Level Editor

After a couple hours of fervent icon creation, I now have the 32 icons needed for my level editor! Yessss!


The editor is now semi-functional. I am able to place objects on the level! I don’t have the icons at the bottom properly corresponding to the items though, so it’s a bit confusing for now 🙂 Next up is to get the in-game objects to correspond to the icons!


And here the level editor is 100% functional! Here’s a crazy looking level I whipped up in a minute or so.


I’m pleased with the days work! Next week: Game Play!


2 Responses to “Dynamite: Day 6 – Level Editor”

  1. Mark Says:

    I just noticed that there’s a strange black line at the borders of the arrows and blue light looking icons. Is that a bug?

  2. philhassey Says:
