Ahoy there, beta15 is live! Get it for Windows, Mac, Linux. Testflight for iOS will be emailed shortly!
It’s been about 3 weeks since the last beta, and a TON has happened. Lots of improvements to the modding system (ask me on the forums if you want to know more!) Added some really nice scrolling enhancement to the lobby, as well as fixed the balance of several classes. A MAJOR overhaul of the MMO server codebase. Added a frenzy mode, now each star has its own mode, so find the frenzy star and check it out! And lastly, added the Galcon store! You can buy classes and cosmetic ship shapes there.

A few comments on the store – I’ve given everyone 10k Galcoins. These are not the Galcoins you paid for in the Kickstarter, these are just beta coins. Which means, for the next beta or so I’ll probably be resetting how many you have spent, what you bought, how you earn new coins, how many coins equal one dollar etc. (Right now you can’t earn coins. Nor can you buy more coins.) I’m eager to hear feedback about this on the forums. It’s important to me to do a good job with the coins system.
For those who have been patiently waiting for their physical rewards, thank you! It’s definitely more difficult than we thought to get these things made, but we made a big step forward this past week, as we got the posters printed and the wrap for the box printed. Delivery of the poster tier will commence as soon as we can!

Thanks for supporting Galcon 2. Have fun checking out beta15! I’ll be online for the next hour or so, so sign in and tell me what you think!!!