Galcon 2 – beta21 – Bug fixing, cleanup, colorblind support added
Ahoy there, beta20 has arrived! Backers can check it out for Windows, Mac, Linux, or Android. (Testflight on the way…)
This update just fixed a bunch of bugs, and adds colorblind support. It also removed Galcon Legends from Galcon 2. (I hope to get a release candidate build of Galcon Legends out for you to test on Steam very soon!)
To modders, I’ve changed most 0/1 style bools over to true/false style bools to make things work better with Lua.
Also, check out a video of what happened when I first enabled colorblind mode in Galcon 2.
Please post your feedback on the forums!
P.S. I’ll be online for a while to play the game, talk about Galcon 2, etc!