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arrogant jerk
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Archive for August, 2014

Galcon 2 – beta34 – Icon, Credits, Security

Saturday, August 30th, 2014

Howdy y’all! Welcome to another beta :) The game is getting close to launch (not sure how close, exactly, but … getting there!) For the backers, I’ve got Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android downloads and iOS Testflight builds sent out soon.

Over 50 things done for this build, most of them are tiny bug fixes, changes. Here’s a couple highlights though:

– App Icon! It took some wrangling but I managed to get the Galcon 2 box art to look great on an icon!

– Major security overhaul.

– Added a credits page (you can see it by clicking on the “i” on the corner of the main menu screen.) I definitely appreciate everyone who has helped out in the beta, but I gave a special shout out to the players who showed up after most betas to give feedback on the forums.

– I’ve cleaned up the ship shapes, there’s a new V shaped ship available!

As always, please leave feedback in the forums!

Thanks! I’ll be online for the next hour if anyone wants to play a bit!

P.S. If you happen to be going to the Colorado State Fair this weekend, look for us in the Goat barn! We’re “GOAT-O-RAMA” and we’re running the Goat of Many Colors contest.

Galcon 2 – beta33 – Quick bugfix update!

Friday, August 22nd, 2014

Ahoy there, new beta available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. iOS TestFlight builds will be available shortly.

A smaller update today. A few miscellaneous bug fixes and another overhaul of the ZeroLag system. I’ve added a few more auto-corrections and removed the planet-takeover prediction. The main reason for this update being so soon is that I felt the previous build wasn’t working very well at all with planets changing ownership unexpectedly and surrenders not appearing to work.

At this point I think the game is heading towards a wider release in the near future. Not quite sure how near, as I’ve still got a fair amount of things to do to get the game there, but soon I hope to get more players in so the game can start developing a community!

Thanks! As always, please leave feedback in the forums.

P.S. I’ll be online for about an hour if anyone wants to give it a whirl.

Galcon 2 – beta32 – ZeroLag & Customization

Tuesday, August 19th, 2014

Hey, got another beta ready today! Backers can get it for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. iOS build will be sent out via TestFlight shortly.

beta32 has some 50 bug fixes and improvements. Here are the highlights:

– Major optimization to the ZeroLag code, fixing the “jerky ships” on iOS and Android.

– Several UI changes: right-click sends on down (desktop), an extra finger tap in space cancels all commands (mobile). Made right-click in empty space have no effect (desktop). Improved single fleet selection.

– Major improvements to the ZeroLag code, fixing inaccurate initial fleet sizes on short attacks, also removal of wait on server confirmation for planet ownership changes (makes initial neutral attacks instantaneous.)

– Added an application system whereby people can apply to join a clan. Clan chiefs can reject or invite those players.

– Customized game wins count towards your XP in sectors. 4 player symmetrical maps are mirrored now. In-lobby indication of map size now shown with an icon.

iOS users – once a year Apple lets me reset my beta testers list. I’m completely resetting the list, so even if you have been getting betas, you need to sign up again. Please go to the forums for the details.


P.S. I’m not sure when I’m going to be online over the next day or so, but I’ll definitely be around sometimes! As always, stop by the forums and leave some feedback!

Galcon 2 – beta31 – Custom Servers

Saturday, August 9th, 2014

I’ve got a new build out today. Backers can get it for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. iOS builds will be sent out via TestFlight shortly.

There were over 50 changes this time. Here are a few major updates:

– Added sector customization feature for admins. Including symmetrical maps for free-for-all games.
– Added support for different sized games. In settings you can chose to join “standard” or “phone” sized games.
– Added ability for players to create custom games and be an admin of their own server (no tournament required.)

Check out this custom 200 planet map!

On the minor side of things, I fixed a ton of minor bugs and minor UI tweaks and improvements. Some notable ones are:

– UI changes to prevent accidentally double-tap-select-all from happening.
– Properly pausing the audio when the music is muted which saves 10-20% energy on mobile devices.
– Overhaul of team auto-balancing.
– Post game stats page showing the winners.

Check it out! I’ll be online for a bit if anyone wants to play / chat about Galcon 2.
