Galcon 2 – beta32 – ZeroLag & Customization
Hey, got another beta ready today! Backers can get it for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. iOS build will be sent out via TestFlight shortly.
beta32 has some 50 bug fixes and improvements. Here are the highlights:

– Major optimization to the ZeroLag code, fixing the “jerky ships” on iOS and Android.
– Several UI changes: right-click sends on down (desktop), an extra finger tap in space cancels all commands (mobile). Made right-click in empty space have no effect (desktop). Improved single fleet selection.
– Major improvements to the ZeroLag code, fixing inaccurate initial fleet sizes on short attacks, also removal of wait on server confirmation for planet ownership changes (makes initial neutral attacks instantaneous.)
– Added an application system whereby people can apply to join a clan. Clan chiefs can reject or invite those players.
– Customized game wins count towards your XP in sectors. 4 player symmetrical maps are mirrored now. In-lobby indication of map size now shown with an icon.
iOS users – once a year Apple lets me reset my beta testers list. I’m completely resetting the list, so even if you have been getting betas, you need to sign up again. Please go to the forums for the details.
P.S. I’m not sure when I’m going to be online over the next day or so, but I’ll definitely be around sometimes! As always, stop by the forums and leave some feedback!