Phil Hassey - game dev blog
Phil Hassey as Wolverine
"What kind of
arrogant jerk
has a website like this?"

Galcon 2 – beta35 – Behind the scenes overhaul

Ahoy there! beta35 is ready for action! Backers may check it out for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. iOS / TestFlight will be sent out shortly.

Updates to the game:

– Fixed UI issues and various bugs.
– Optimized memory usage, improved performance on all systems. Press CTRL-H for the debug HUD showing FPS, Lag, Items, and Particle stats.
– Quick login for new users (sign in without a account.)
– Better support for font size control. (Especially handy for your new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6+!)

Updates to the server:

– Transitioned all servers to a new host. (This is exciting because it means I’ll be able to scale up and down more easily depending on the needs of the community.)
– Custom server build of game to optimize CPU usage. (This is important, so that I can host many servers on a single core.)
– Upgraded website with SSL, database upgrade, and code optimizations.

That’s just a birds eye view of around 100 changes to the game and servers. Also, for anyone who is interested, the server build is available. It is custom build for CentOS 7. Get it here.

At this point, I’ve got a much shorter list of things to get done before the launch! Mostly a few more bug fixes, database improvements, and payment integration. (After that comes all the things that go along with a launch, like creating trailers and whatnot.)

Have fun! Do stop by the forums if you have feedback or any questions!


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