Phil Hassey - game dev blog
Phil Hassey as Snidely Whiplash
"You can't buy awesomeness.
You're born that way."

Archive for November, 2014

Galcon 2 – Thanksgiving Update – 1.0.5

Monday, November 24th, 2014

Hey there! Just a quick update before the holiday, ready for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. iOS Testflight will be mailed out shortly.

A few things fixed in this build:

– Improvements to tournament and clan features
– Steam beta launch
– Fixed server sync issues
– Fixed other misc bugs

The main reason for this update was to tell you about the special Thanksgiving features this week! You can buy drumstick shaped ships and host turkey tournaments all week! Be sure to check ‘em out!


Have fun!

Galcon 2 – 1.0.3 – Polish & Auto-Updates

Friday, November 14th, 2014

Ahoy there, 1.0.3 is now available on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. iOS / TestFlight users will get an email shortly.

It’s only been a few days since the last update, but I wanted to get these changes out before the weekend. Lots of polish here:

trumpet– Added automatic sync of new images, sounds during login. You can see this in action in the login news! I’ll be able to use this to do small updates of the game without having to do new builds and re-approval on all platforms.
– Added a tournament trophy fanfare and display of tournament results when they are awarded.
– Further attempts at fixing graphic glitches with some video cards. Do post if you have any problems (or if you had problems and they are fixed now!)
– Fixed the g2.state = “menu” bug that most mods were crashing from.
– Fixed the box select graphics so they don’t look awful.
– Updated the server list with better organization and more room.
– Improved layout in tournament stats pages, and all pages that displayed the galaxy map.
– Improved speed of login.
– Changed “Vitality Points” back to “Experience Points”

Do post in the forums and feedback or comments! Thanks to everyone who has been helping out! I’m really excited to launch this game more widely soon!

Have fun!

Galcon 2 – 1.0.2 – Performance and Tournaments

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014

Ahoy there, another Galcon 2 update has arrived! Anyone can get it for Windows, Mac, Linux, or Android. iOS / TestFlight users will be emailed shortly.

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Here are the most exciting new features:

– Added Video Quality option, so on low-end devices you can select “Good” instead of “Best” for an increase of up to 1.5x in frame-rate (by my tests on my older devices.)
– Added Summary, Matches, and Log view of stats for tournaments.
– Fixed graphics bugs where textures wouldn’t load properly on some Windows 8 systems.
– Optimization to the graphics and audio loops.

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And here are the rest of the tiny changes:

– Re-enabled CTRL-H to disable the HUD.
– Changed default co-op game sizes to 3/6.
– Made pause / chat buttons less likely to be toggled accidentally.
– Made right-click UI more consistent with drag-n-drop UI.
– Only show news once per play session.
– Changed audio so that /surrender isn’t so loud.
– Fixed standoff detection.
– Decreased time between end of game and lobby.
– Stop logging games after a trophy has been awarded in a tournament.

Have fun! Do post in the forums with any feedback you have!

P.S. There is an easter egg in this build. I’ve already given one hint in the forums “TILDE” … I’ll give another hint here: “Works on all platforms.”

Galcon 2 – 1.0.1 update

Wednesday, November 5th, 2014

Ahoy there, it’s been a great “fan premier” week for Galcon 2! You can download the latest update for Windows, Mac, Linux, or Android. iOS / TestFlight will be available shortly.

I’ve added a button so backers can claim their backer trophy into the beta section. Please claim your trophy!

There have been games running almost all the time for the last week, so the servers have had some good workout. The feedback I got was also great, and I’ve done a ton of bug fixing and feature updates. Here is a pretty exhaustive list:

Galcon 2ScreenSnapz136– Fixed several server crash bugs, as well as several login bugs.
– Added SYMMETRY for teams!
– Added /topic for custom servers and changed the defaults for /strict and /approval to be off. The server is also locked while admins are doing admin stuff.
– Custom server settings are now remembered between sessions. Also customizatoins are remembered between sectors. AND sectors and customizatoins are all on the same screen now.
– Double /surrender also destroys your fleets.
– Standoff timer a bit less sensitive now.
– /approve /unapprove doesn’t also toggle /away /play for users.
– Co-op mode overhauled so that it does not reset after the team dies, instead you drop down a level for a retry.
– Fixed Android web browser opening.
– Fixed ZeroLag team games bugs. Also fixed co-op drop-ins.
– Added a “Donate to Clan” button for transferring Galcoins into your clan.
– Removed the “house rake” from bets, while adding in a cost to running a tournament. Now all the rake goes to your clan. (This change is basically economically equivalent to what we had before, but it makes betting easier to understand and makes “Donate to Clan” possible.)
– Added new SFX for /gg and approval.
– Added an easter egg (also HUD mode is hidden within the easter egg ..!) can anyone find it?
– Tournaments can now award 1st, 2nd, 3rd places.

And there might just be a few other things I didn’t list! I hope you like this update. Please leave feedback on the forums! If this update goes well, I’ll work towards getting the game properly launched on more platforms soon!
