Galcon 2 – DISCO MONTH (1.1.0)
Saturday, January 24th, 2015Hey everyone! It’s been a great launch month, and I hope you’ve had a ton of fun playing Galcon 2! Here’s what’s new since launch:

– DISCO MONTH! We’ve got some great new trophies, cosmetics, AND a sweet new game mode: Billiards!
– Major update of the Comm section to support clan chat, news items, and replies. /r to reply and /c for clan chat.
– Major update of the Clans to give Leaders the ability to limit their Chiefs. You can even give members custom titles.
– Major update of Custom servers and Tournaments. You can now /ban and /kick players. And in tournaments you can /send players to other tournament rooms for multi-room tournaments.
– Players can now rate tournaments, and see a detailed log of past tournaments hosted by a player.
Have fun!