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arrogant jerk
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my pyweek “non-game”

A day in advance I’ve completed my pyweek entry! And, to be honest, my pyweek entry was more the completion of the pug.gui than the “game” I made. Some final stats on pug:

  • is 31360 bytes
  • is 7428 bytes
  • 16 widgets included in the core

The theme is easily extensible – while maintaining separation from the Widget core. Themes can respond to events (play Sound effects), have per-frame loops (shrink/grow/change colors), and be styled using the CSS Box model. Here’s a couple fun screenshots:

The default theme:

Standard theme running a cluttered demo of the Widgets

The “game” with even more custom theme and Widgets:


I decided not to actually enter my entry into the pyweek judging mainly because it wasn’t a game, but also my “non-game” was utilizing pug, which wasn’t released a month ago (per pyweek rules for personal library usage.)

On a more “game design” topic, I’m a lot more comfortable creating arcade games, as that’s more my style. Games that involve your typical “gui widgets” just don’t excite me very much. The rational behind creating pug is that games do need good menus and options screens for the times when you aren’t playing the actual game. Many of my “core” widget choices are based on the primary use case I have for pug.

Since pug still isn’t up to the 32k limit, I’m likely to add in joystick support as well as add more information into the docstrings. There are a number of widgets I could include, but I don’t feel that the primary use case allows for those. (Users will be free to create “contrib” widgets to be placed into the “contrib” folder and will not be supported by me. I might even add in some “contrib” widgets – a secondary use case is quick game dev / level making tools. You need file pickers and dialogs for those – both of which I’ve developed for pug already.)

If you want to give pug a whirl: svn://


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