How to run your Xcode universal binary under Rosetta on an Intel Mac
Here’s the trick. First, build your universal binary, let’s say under Debug mode. Then from a terminal …
cd build/Debug /usr/bin/arch -arch ppc
This will launch your app using the Rosetta PPC emulator. This way you can test your Universal binaries from an i386 system 🙂
I’m doing it this way, because for some reason the ‘Right Click on Your App > Get Info > General > Open using Rosetta’ checkbox is grayed out. Oh well!
P.S. Another technique is to go into Project > Edit Project Settings > Build > check ‘Build Active Architecture Only’ .. Then you can change your active Arch to PPC and the build will only include PPC and will run. Â Just be sure to uncheck the box before you send a build to your users.