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Archive for the 'galcon2' Category

Galcon 2 – Galaxy Map update!

Monday, September 7th, 2015

Ahoy there,


New Galaxy Map update out for everyone to see! The key differences are this:

– Once a star is taken, it cannot be attacked again
– The war will be extended extra days until you conquer it
– Clans can only wage two wars at a time
– There is no Galcoin cost for wars, except for the initial invasion
– Discovered constellations give 2x points

The strategy here is that large clans need to connect to smaller clans as quickly as possible so they can have access to more wars to ally in, so their faction can expand more quickly.

Have fun!

Galcon 2 – Galaxy Map 2.0

Wednesday, August 5th, 2015

The Galaxy Map has been re-opened! The major changes include dividing the clans into factions and connections between stars.


The main changes from the old map are:

– Clans are divided into 3 factions
– All wars and alliances require proximity
– The map will supernova after X days
– Stars values no longer change

Have fun!


Saturday, June 13th, 2015

Hey everyone, get ready for an INTERGALACTIC PARTY!

We’ve got 3 new trophies, new ships and new planets!

To fill in you in the galaxy map updates, I’ve added support for alliances so you can help other clans do battle on the map. You can now also see the heroes on either side of a war, as well as see who the allies are.

Using alts in game is now discouraged, players using alts will not be able to be a hero in the galaxy map wars. A “?” appears next to alting user’s names.

Coming soon is going to be a proximity feature, where clans can only attack nearby planets. So, in order to prepare for this change, you may want to build your planets into a cluster so they are better defended. This is going to add a whole new level of strategy to conquering the map.

Have fun!

Galcon 2 – The Galaxy Map is here!

Friday, May 29th, 2015


The Galaxy Map is now available to everyone! I hope all the clans have fun battling it out over stars! To conquer, use skill, strategy, and diplomacy! Read the help for an overview of the map rules, and be sure to drop by the forums if you have questions or feedback.


Galcon 2 – Year of the Goat Update

Friday, May 1st, 2015

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Welcome to Year of the Goat! There are new trophies, new ships, and TWO new sectors! There’s a Dojo sector for training new players, and a King of the Hill sector! Have fun playing :)

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Also, Nubbin just had her babies!


Have fun playing!

Galcon 2 – Easter update!

Friday, April 3rd, 2015

Ahoy there, a new update is in the game! This time with Easter ships and an Easter ship type. Also a new game mode called “Vortex” that involved all the planets being drawn into a black hole!

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Have fun!!

Galcon 2 – St. Patrick’s day mega-update!

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

Ahoy there! A lot of new things in this update! There’s some new ship shapes, a new trophy, AND new ship classes! The ship classes are Fighter which makes ships battle in mid-air and a St.Patty class which makes all players be one of a dozen shades of green!

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I hope you have a great time playing with the new features!

P.S. I’ve been working on the Galaxy Map feature lately. Check it out:

Galcon 2 – Valentine’s week and new Eliminator sector!

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

Hey y’all! Some new Galcon 2 stuff to check out :) There’s a whole new sector called “Eliminator” that structures 1v1 games into a bracket with many people playing at the same time. There’s also a bunch of Valentine’s goodies and some sweet new ships!


Have fun!

Galcon 2 – DISCO MONTH (1.1.0)

Saturday, January 24th, 2015

Hey everyone! It’s been a great launch month, and I hope you’ve had a ton of fun playing Galcon 2! Here’s what’s new since launch:


– DISCO MONTH! We’ve got some great new trophies, cosmetics, AND a sweet new game mode: Billiards!

– Major update of the Comm section to support clan chat, news items, and replies. /r to reply and /c for clan chat.

– Major update of the Clans to give Leaders the ability to limit their Chiefs. You can even give members custom titles.

– Major update of Custom servers and Tournaments. You can now /ban and /kick players. And in tournaments you can /send players to other tournament rooms for multi-room tournaments.

– Players can now rate tournaments, and see a detailed log of past tournaments hosted by a player.

Have fun!

Galcon 2 – Launched on iOS!

Thursday, December 18th, 2014

Ahoy there! Galcon 2 has finally launched on the iOS App Store!

Thanks again for all your support! I hope you have fun!